Sunday, September 30, 2007

September: Lancelot

King Arthur, egged on by Sir Mordred and Sir Agrawaine, burned with jealousy at Queen Guinevere’s attention to Lancelot. Arthur ordered the two plotting Knights to attack Lancelot and capture Guinevere. Sir Mordred, Sir Agrawaine, and twelve other knights of the round table left to confront Lancelot, who was not equipped for battle.

Lancelot realized the desperateness of his situation—his own and Guinevere’s lives being at stake—and took Guinevere into his arms and kissed her. He asked her to pray for his soul if he was killed.

Lancelot told the Knights that he would open the door, and did so in such a way that only one man could enter. Sir Colgrevance entered and tried to strike Lancelot, but Lancelot evaded the blow and hit him on the head, killing him instantly. Lancelot pulled the dead knight into the room and barred the door.

Lancelot removed the dead knight’s armor, and the Queen and her ladies helped dress him in it. Once armored, Lancelot flung open the chamber door and stood among the knights. He killed Sir Agrawaine with his first blow, and in a few minutes the bodies of the other twelve knights lay on the ground.

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